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Monday, March 26, 2012

The one month mark!

Well I've done it everyone! Made it through one whole month on Accutane. I can't believe how time is flying, I really hope the entire process goes as quick as this first month.
I had my one month doctors appointment today. I was terrified as I walked into those twin brown doors into the lobby and went up the elevator to the suite, what if something went wrong with my blood work and I was no longer allowed to take the meds? What if the accutane wasn't doing what it was suppose to do and I could not continue the process? I wrote my name down on the check in list and took a seat and waited for my name to be called (and of course pronounced wrong, this particular nurse called me a classic Ariel Kah-seen.)

When I was finally seating in exam room 6 the doctor came in with a giant grin and politely asked me if I was excited to begin Accutane this month? Well...umm...Doctor I hate to be the one to break this to you BUT I have been on Accutane for four weeks already...Should this woman really have come into work drunk today? This is my life on the line here and she can't even get her weeks straight?! (Okay...slightly dramatic, but still.)

She looked at my puzzled facial expression and just giggled, "Of course I know you started last month, but we really dont usually see much change the first month so now you are REALLY starting!"
Huge sigh of relief...

So NOW the entire process really begins? What does that even mean? The lovely comedian doctor explained to me how now my skin is really going to start to dry up in double time, and that no new acne should appear, and it should all start to shrink. Fantastic news. My face has been slightly flaring up these past two weeks so it was a blessing to hear that all that will be stopping now.
I guess I can ask you all again to join my on my new journey to beautiful skin since APPARENTLY it has yet to begin. But it did now, today!

I would also like to take a second to talk to all those people I have been speaking to about starting their own Accutane prescriptions. I encourage you all to go talk to your dermatologists about what the best course of action is to fight your acne.
I personally know it can be such an uncomfortable thing to speak about, and embarrassing as well. No one wants people to realize they have imperfections, but come on! Did any of you read my last blog?! Anyways its amazing to hear that you have all been inspired to do something about your skin and I wish you all the best.

Now for an anecdote to hopefully brighten your day! My lovely brother has also recently began taking accutane, I'm almost positive it was from all the inspirational words he has read in my blog (but I doubt he would agree.) His experience so far has been quite different than mine, men while on the drug do not have to be constantly getting blood work done, and they also do not have to take pregnancy tests, therefore there is no one month waiting period before they can start. They can simply just begin.
Anyways, he has been on the drug for a few weeks now and has experienced the same dry skin and lips as me. Living in a house with a mother who is obsessed with skin care products, when he noticed his skin was getting dry he began rummaging through my mothers bathroom drawers.
Confused about what on earth he could be looking for my step-father stepped in and asked kindly "What are you looking for..?"
My brother respectfully responded that he was looking for some exfoliator.
My step-father just stared blankly and asked..what on earth is exfoliator.
I am so proud to call this boy my brother. What 16 year old 6"1 boy knows what exfoliator is? MY brother of course, its the girlyness in me that has rubbed off on him i think ;) In addition, my brother can be found walking around the house sporting a very high fashion biore' pore strip across his nose, for all those pesky black heads.
Way to go bro, way to go.

A tip to leave you all with, spring is just around the corner and because the sun makes your skin super sensitive start preparing now! "Exfoliate: wash or rub (a part of the body) with a granular substance to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin" and lotion generously!

Have a great week everyone!

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