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Monday, March 19, 2012

The Mirror-You

Very recently an article has been brought to my attention that I think deserves to be spoken about and fits well into my journey on Accutane. The article is is entitled "Purim And The Tyranny of Beauty" and can be found on the popular Jewish news website Jewish Press. I will attach a link below for anyone interested in reading the article in its entirety. 

To sum up this piece in words more understandable than balabatish and zivug, the woman who wrote the article was for the most part stating that in order to meet the man of your dreams in a random fashion or while being set up, you must undergo extremes such as getting your hair permanently straightened, receiving a nose job, or undergoing gastric bypass surgery. The woman is calling out to tell all girls that men are only looking at our outer beauty to decide whether they want to get to know us in a more personal manner. This article not only made me insecure about my state of beauty at present time, but I'm sure that nation wide woman and girls reading this article are panicking due to the nature of extremes this woman went to and says we girls should go through as well to meet guys. Does this woman have the audacity to tell me that because of my skin I may not be able to meet the man of my dreams? 

Now, this is not to say that we shouldn't all take pride in the way that we look and that we shouldn't enjoy getting dressed up. But its articles like these that cause girls to be insecure and further, develop terrible eating disorders and other self image issues, this is something I have felt very passionately about for as long as I can remember.

So lets talk about self image. 

How many of us have one time or another woken up with a massive pimple the size of Alaska on our faces? And all we wanted to do was crawl under our covers and wait until it disappears. That tiny little red dot takes control over how we feel about ourselves until it finally decides that it has caused us enough stress and resolves to leave. We feel disgusting, and like all people see when they look at us is this horrible volcano about to erupt. We tell ourselves over and over again that no they are not staring at that scarlet speckle on our nose, its all in our heads. 

I bet this scenario or a similar one has happened to every single one of you reading this. 

And if its not a pimple its something else that makes us insecure; those freckles that appear in the sun, the mole to the left of our lip, the baby hairs that stick up on our foreheads, or the way our left eyebrow sticks up in front. These are the things we are forced to live with. And let me tell goes on. 
Women and men meet and get married every single day, and not every women is a super model size 0 blonde hair blue eyed zombie, and not every man has washboard abs, pouty lips, and blue eyes you can drown in. And despite these stagering statements, I can say in full confidence we all reading this, if we have not yet already found our "basherts" (Hebrew/Yiddush term used to describe our "soul mates") we will, and we will all be beautiful in our own ways when we do. I think were all going to be just fine.

Now to catch you all up about my face. Its been close to three weeks since I first began this journey and its gotten a lot harder this week. The doctor said that around the mid 2-3 week period it would start to get a little bit worse and this has proven to be the case for me. My face is rather inflamed all over again and its beginning to even become painful. Its dry and oily at the same time which is super irritating when trying to figure out which of my products to use. 
My back is KILLING me and has shown me how my posture needs to improve, so I am working on that while enjoying the effects of tylonol and advil.
Another side effect that normally would not prove to be an issue is my sensitivity to sunlight, but due to the incredible weather we are all experiencing, it has become a problem. If I find myself outside lately without any sunglasses my eyes burn and feel as though they will melt at any second and pour out of my face and I will be left blind. 
Anyways after this week I am hoping for more positive changes rather than the negative ones I have been getting this week!
Blood test this Wednesday and Doctors appointment next Monday to record my progress from the first month.
Lets hope for the best!

Have a great week everyone! Comment below!

Here is the link to the article spoken about above. Please let me know what YOU think about the article in a comment below! 

1 comment:

  1. Its pretty obvious the woman who wrote the article was shoving her psychological projection of herself onto others, and i feel sorry for her that she isn't comfortable in her own skin.
    The fact that she, a mother, was judging girls on who is wearing makeup or not at that gathering is disgusting. We all know mothers are always suppose to be there for their children, always supporting them. So a mother, of all people, should not be judging on makeup and should care about the other attributes of the girl. The girls came in to talk to the mothers, not the actual guy, to let the mothers know who they really are. This mother barely gives them a chance.
    We all should be comfortable with who we are, and not let others tell us how to be,and bring people down, like this woman has done though her article.
