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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ode to the blondes..

Firstly I would like to extend my deepest apologies for slacking this past week with writing. With Purim, and midterms its been CRAZY around here. But now I have a few minutes to myself before my birthday pandaemonium begins. For any of you who know me well.. and for anyone who has just met me recently, you can guess how seriously I take my birthday.
It is the day of all days, the moment we have all been waiting for. I would always agree with my mother that in fact March the 12 should be considered a national and international holiday. Yes world, tomorrow I am turning 20 years old. Celebrate good times COME ON!

In regards to my skin situation, the subject this blog is suppose to be about. Thing are mostly the same. My face has been clearing up slowly but surely and I really have begun to see a difference. Even friends have come up to me and said that they have seen a significant change in the past few weeks. How amazing.
My skin is really not as dry as I have read about other peoples being its really my lips that are the struggle. And I find myself using eye drops often as well, not only because I love the tingle, but because the extra moisture is a help.

Now the process of Accutane is interesting. The first thing that the medication is suppose to do is to suck all of oil and gunk from my body and skin and push it out through my pores (sounds simply lovely doesn't it?) Now this first section of the meds takes around a month. The first week I could really see it in my face that the meds were literally shoveling buckets of facial lubricant through my face, making my cheeks and forehead an extra mirror for any passerby to fix their lipgloss. After that initial oil load my skin turned matte, which is something that I have not had the pleasure to experience in quite some time. Needless to say I am thrilled.

On a completely different note I am a natural and proud blonde. Many would disagree and state that no right now its very dark and its been dyed and yadah yadah blah blah blah. No folks, I am in fact, contrary to popular belief, a pure and thrilled blonde. I LOVE my hair. I love the way its wavy and straight at the same time. And no real product is necessary for me to wake up and have a good hair day. Thats not to say that my hair does not have its pitfalls, the most irritating of all being how greasy it gets after only a day of not washing it.

Blonde hair, particularly straight or wavy blonde hair is MUCH more prone to develop oil quicker, which makes your hair look stringy and limp. I have always had to wash and condition my hair every single day without fail, or I would be left with strings of yarn hanging from my pathetic head. Now that I have been on this medication, a miracle has happened! My hair is no longer an oily mess after a long day!
I showered last night, went out, woke up this morning and was able to wear my hair down the entire day until now and it still looks totally great and fine. Not a lick of oil!
I quickly realized that this was in fact a side effect..but finally a positive one! Yay me and my perfectly clean after 24 hour hair. This is a big day for us blondes ya know, can I get an amen?

Obviously no one is going to go on Accutane to prevent oily hair..but I would like to really push the positives to keep me going. Its been a rough start.
Accutane causes headaches and muscle aches, both of which I have received unwillingly this past week. I am not one to get headaches at all, but these are bad.  Just keep popping the advil/tylonol and I know I will be just fine.
I wish I had more to update you all about but in this world, no news is good news.
Until next time all.

Happy Birthday to MEEEEE

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