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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wait..Side Effects?

Well guys its all about to begin. The curtains are down, the lights are up, and costumes are on. Of course I am speaking most importantly about my prescription of Accutane which I just received today. (Also on a side note the show I am currently stage managing opens tomorrow evening!) 

To actually go about getting the prescription in the first place was quite the mission. Now I've previously explain to all of you how this drug is government issued and controlled and you need to go through many steps in order to acquire it. Well in order to actually get the papers to get the pills at whatever pharmacy, I needed to go back again to the doctors, pee in yet another cup, fill out millions of forms, take an online quiz (which I actually almost awkward would that have been..) and then finally get the medications. 

Yes, plural, medications. I am taking the Accutane once a day, plus prednisone for the first two weeks, and a topical ointment to prevent any further inflammation. 

But lets go back a little to the doctors appointment this past Friday and talk briefly about these side effects. (I almost just typed sound effects due to the fact that yet again, I am stage managing a show and am in charge of sound effects..) Anyways, I was called into the doctors office and asked to sit in a large, oversize chair with a side table filled with instruments I can only assume are used for the most tremendous types of pain affliction. The doctor walks in with a long list of things to start to discuss:
-the back pain
-the head aches
-the out of control dry skin
-birth defects
-the possibility of white blood cell reduction
-potential liver problems
the list really goes on..
As she is rattling off these probable side effects my stomach was doing backflips. Since when is a medication suppose to run your life? I understand that for many people their medications are in fact a part of their everyday life, but for me its hard enough to remember to take a vitamin once or twice a day, and now I have so many potential threats that go along with remembering to take the scary drug in the first place. 

After agreeing to the monthly blood and urine tests and initialing on the dotted line, I was ready to move on to this online quiz. I thank god could complete this exam in the comfort of my own dorm room. The multiple choice questions consisted of things like "What do you do if you become pregnant on this drug?" and "What are possible signs you may be pregnant?" and I just drew a blank. I answered a few wrong simply because I was so nervous. But once they let me answer the wrong questions over and over again, I finally passed and was ready to go on to the pharmacy. 

I dropped off my many prescriptions and made friends with a few pharmacists (its always important to create a relationship with the people working behind the counter, if they like you, they are much more likely to do what you want.) And today, a few hours ago, I picked them up. The package is possibly the most scary box I have ever had the pleasure of owning. (Check out the scary pregnant ladies! On every pill tab! YIKES!!) 

Well, I start the drug tomorrow so wish me luck everyone! And so it begins. My route to milky, clear, beautiful skin! Woohoo!

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