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Monday, February 20, 2012

There Will Be Blood

I have a challenge for all you readers. Find someone who is not terrified of either :
A. Getting a shot
B. Giving blood/getting blood work
C. All of the above.

I promise this person cannot be found, and if they say they aren't afraid they are lying.

Its been ingrained in all of our heads since our first tetanus and flu vaccines that the awful 10 seconds of prep before the shot, to the post shot tape, that when the doctor comes in with that metal tray you should run for the hills.
So when I heard that part of this whole accutane process is monthly (sometimes depending on the dosage even more often) blood tests I was slightly... okay fine extremely terrified. Not only was I going to have to get these monthly blood tests alone in the city without my mommy to hold my hand, but I also was expected to be an adult about it and just smile and let the doctor poke me with her 10 foot needle.

Needless to say I had to man up and go to the doctor for my first stab in the arm. The entire experience was slightly dramatic to say the least. I ran into the building with a strong gust of wind and everyone in the lobby stared as if I had just gotten off the Enterprise with Captain Kirk. I went to three different parts of the building before I finally arrived at the dreaded blood zone.

When you walk into one of these blood labs you feel like your in every True Blood characters dream land; tubes and tubes of blood lined up on the walls all waiting to be tested for every reason under the sun. How will the doctors every remember which tubes are mine and which are the 87 year old woman's here to see the doctor for varicose veins and osteoporosis?

After filling out the piles of paperwork and answering unimportant questions it was my turn to be jabbed with the needle. I sat mostly still other than the constant tap tap tapping of my foot on the marble flooring. I turned the other way and set my eyes on a photograph of an elephant taking an afternoon snooze under a beautiful looking palm OUCHHH! The needle was in! I stupidly looked over to see this evil woman taking tubes and tubes of my precious blood and all I wanted to scream out was HEY I NEED THAT STUFF DONT TAKE TOO MUCH!

And then with another blink of an eye the entire thing was over, she gave me the choice of a plain boring bandaid or a cool tweety bird one and I obviously chose the later. And with that it was all over. So it really wasn't that bad..but that doesn't mean I didn't go and buy myself a lollipop after..

We all need a little reward for our hard work sometimes.
So now its just a waiting game, once the doctors approve my blood (which they for sure will, how could they not?) it will all begin.

Thanks for all your support guys. You dont know how much it means to me!

Until next time!

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