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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wow its been a while!

Hey Everyone!
My apologies for taking so long to write a new blog. Life has been crazy between the end of midterms and break and Passover.
Accutane for me has taken a VERY crazy turn these past few weeks. First of all I started breaking out like crazy right before I went home and almost gave up on this medication all can I possibly make it through this if it just keeps getting a little better and then a ton worse?
Then I got home to a stress-free and relaxed environment and my skin gradually kept getting better and better. I personally have a hard time noticing the difference, but since being back to school I have gotten countless compliments from friends, and readers saying that my skin is looking 10 times better then before I left.
This is a fantastic comment and I have LOVED hearing it. Makes this experience worth it.
So my face is looking a lot better, its just the redness that is apparent without makeup, but gradually it will go away. I am having severe hip pain (which makes me feel like an 80 year old women who is in dire need of orthopedic shoes) and joint pain which can be decreased with aleve. So all and all I am doing great!

So over break I was back home in good ole' Cleveland and got my dose of weather changes.
If any of you think that wherever you live has severe changes of temperature, think again. Nothing in the world is like the climate variations back home.
The first few days were mild and overcast, then out of absolutely no where came the snow.
My friends, we have just experienced a heat wave here in NY and I go home to SNOW?! IN APRIL!? Not okay. And it even froze over my car and accumulated on the ground in some areas...

Then something miraculous happened. A few days later I woke up to my mom telling me that it was going to be 85 degrees and sunny today. Imagine the excitement on my face! Sunshine.
We spent the entire day outside reading, gardening, and relaxing. After the lovely day in the sun i went inside to see my skin burnt to a crisp. Ouch.
After a cool shower I could see full well my lovely new farmers tan/burn on my arms and legs. How adorable.

I recently read an article that stated "having one serious sunburn before the age of 20 can increase your chances of skin cancer by 30%." What a frightening statistic. Most of us reading this have gotten a bad sunburn in the past. (Some of us reading this may even currently have a horrible sunburn!) And it scares me for all my friends who are not safe about using the correct amount of sun screen because they just want that golden brown look. But is a golden glow worth the possible risk of cancer? You tell me.
While at the dermatologist recently she was telling me about sunscreen usage. I asked her what SPF would be best for me to use with my skin so sensitive. She informed me that the SPF on the bottle is never really the amont of coverage and safety you have from the sun. In order to gain that amount you must FROST yourself like a cupcake with the lotion and reapply hourly.
None of us actually do this, so when choosing a sun tan lotion, go up in SPF rather than down.

Practice safe sun use guys!
And girls, if you want a tan, go the fake route and use tanning lotion. Jergans Natural Glow is AMAZING!

Have a a great week guys!